Chavant NSP Clay Medium, Sculpting clay
- Description
- Features
- Usage
Chavant NSP Clay Medium (brown) is a sulphur-free and professional oil-based sculpting clay. It is probably the finest quality of non-drying modeling clay available. It is often used by artists to create sculptures and is also used by many sculpture and film studios in the world when working with special effects in makeup.
The sculpting clay needs to be heated when working with it and is both pliable and easy to work with when it reaches the right temperature. Once the clay "hardens" again, it is firm and has the ability to hold very fine details. There will be no cracking or drying because it contains oils, this gives a great advantage where you can pause your creative work without the clay drying. The clay can be reused over and over again. This clay is also excellent for work where you will later use silicone because it does not contain sulfur that can affect the silicone's properties.
- 906 grams
- Consistency: Medium
- Color: Brown
- Easily worked when heated to the right temperature (heated to approx. 55-65 degrees)
- Does not dry out - can be reused many times
- Great product for smaller and larger sculpting jobs
- Well suited for work where silicone will later be used
- Chavant NSP Clay Meium requires some heat to soften it to your desired working consistency. When you heat the clay, it becomes soft and pliable. You can either heat the clay in an oven or with the help of a heating box with a lamp.
- Once you've started working with the clay, you can heat your sculpture with, for example, a hair dryer or heat gun to soften spots or specific areas of your sculpture.
- Be careful not to burn yourself. Overheating clay is not recommended. Too high a temperature can cause the components to burn or separate, a situation that cannot be restored. If the clay gets too hot, it will become sticky.
- Always test your method beforehand on a small sample so you get to know the clay and its properties.
- Chavant NPS Medium is oil based, it can be melted down again and reused for new projects when you are done.
- Using small amounts of water, citrus-based solvents, or (with appropriate precautions) lighter fuel, naphtha, or spirit of turpentine on the surface of the clay will help achieve a smooth surface for a final finish on your sculpture.
- The clay/sculpture can also be cooled in the freezer if you want to work with details where you don't want the clay to be too soft.
- Chavant NSP clay has low odor and is certified non-toxic by the Art and Craft Materials Institute.
- You can store clay that has been opened and is to be reused in a resealable container/bag. When you are working on a project and take a break, you do not need to cover the work in anything, (assuming you will continue the work in the relatively near future). Otherwise, you can put a protective bag over your sculpture to protect it from dust particles etc.