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Alternativ konsthall vid Helsinglight

Alternative Art Gallery at Helsinglight

We're planning full steam ahead for the work to continue to get our Alternative Art Gallery at Helsinglight up and running! We're aiming and hoping we will be able to launch the gallery open in May or June 2018! Cannot wait for this day to come! We're working so hard towards this goal. To open the doors to an unique platform and arena for alternative, subcultural art, music and performances.

An unique art gallery for subcultural / alternative art & performances

Our primary goal is to show case and exhibit alternative/subcultural arts, performances, music and experiences. We're often creating artistic adventures and events quite far away from the mainstream culture. We love to explore and share the passion and soul behind the expressive artwork of the alternative and subcultural world of artists and performers. There are already plenty of arenas/platforms/venues for the traditional culture. And there are not enough arenas/platforms for the subcultural culture. We want to change that. We need to change that. Helsinglight Alternative Art Gallery will change that.

The fantastic synergies when mixing alternative and traditional culture

With this said though, we are not strangers nor against traditional artwork, on the contrary. We love to combine and mix traditional culture with alternative arts/culture. When you mix the both of them and they share the same platform you get a very unique and interesting venue or event,
The visitor from the traditional culture will get to experience something they possible might not otherwise have gone to, and vice versa for the person more comfortable in the subcultural world.

Mixing these two cultures together opens up amazing doors for new opportunities, synergies, collaborations and art forms to be born. As well as the fascinating meeting between the people, realising there are not many differences at all, in fact they share the same interest, passion and heartbeat for art, music, performances...

Plans for the first exhibition - a mix of alternative and traditional art with Petra Shara Stoor

Petra Shara Stoor owns and runs Helsinglight together with her partner Fredrik Fernlund. Besides working as a SFX Makeup Artist Petra is also an artist/painter and has since 2011 created both alternative taxidermy art skullsandbonesartwork as well as painting more "traditional" impressionistic art. To follow Petras taxidermy work check out her facebook for Skulls & Bones Artwork or follow skullartist on instagram

Petra Shara Stoor will be the first artist to exhibit and showcase her artwork at Helsinglight Alternative Art Gallery. She is currently working on a collection of acrylic paintings as well as she will create some new pieces of taxidermy artwork to be part of this first exhibition and launch of a new alternative art gallery in mid north of Sweden.

The first exhibition will in fact be a very good example of how two culturally different artforms unite and share the same platform, creating an interesting artistic mix and unique cultural experience for the visitor to be part of.

Plans to open Helsinglight art gallery in May/June 2018

We will keep you updated when the art gallery is launched open and when the opening night for the very first art exhibition at Helsinglight will take place. We will also this spring start to accept registration of interests from artists who would like to exhibit their artwork/perform this summer at Helsinglight Art Gallery. More information about that coming soon too. Keep your eyes open!

Previous article Emma Dzakula Karlsson - New Co-worker at Helsinglight

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    October 23, 2024 Petra Shara Stoor

    Handla nu - få hem dina produkter i tid för Halloween! 🔥

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