Group 1 has finished their creative challenge and we are excited to present to you their final photos of the character created. The theme for their challenge was to create a mischievous little goblin in clay. A goblin with magical abilities that lives in the deep dark forests of Helsinglight. When we have presented the final work by every creative challenger/contestant in group 1 we will announce the winner of the group that will advance and compete in the finals later on.
Roskank - A sneaky forest goblin by Mats Pettersson
The forest goblin Roskank
(Roskank has gotten its name from a dialect from the northern part of Sweden, Roskank means crooked, askew or skew).
Roskank is a master thief and takes different kind of jobs from the beings of the forest, Roskank has done some odd jobs for some human as well. The jobs that Roskanks likes the most is to steal stuff with a high personal value for the one being robbed. It could be things like favourite jewellery, keys of any kind (bicycle keys mostly), the favourite football or the favourite sweater. It has happened that Roskank has taken a childs blanket or an elderly reading-spectacles. Roskank do this kind of jobs because no one else does or can.
When Roskank does this kind of jobs something else usually turn out missing, because Roskank likes to take stuff. Rumours say that Roskank stores his stolen goods in an abandoned beaver dam, Roskank says these rumours are of course false.
It all started with Roskank stole his hooded cloak that he wears from his own grandmother. Roskanks grandmother was also a master thief. The hooded cloak is covered with moss and mold, but that is good says Roskank. It gives good camouflage from searching eyes and keeps dogs and other beings with good sense of smell away. It is easy to hide with that cloak.
The gear that Roskanks own he have stolen. The dagger was previously owned by a small gnome, which really loved its dagger. A fairy got her crossbow taken, which she uses for hunting. A badger lost its rope with a grappling hook, just the day before the badger was going on a mountain expedition. The grip claw was stolen from an old leprechaun, it needed it to pick up stuff from the floor. The leprechaun has a bad back.
People have said that when they look for the thing/things they’ve “lost” in a weird way, then many has felt them being observed but never seen one. Then it probably was Roskank who was watching them from afar with his yellow eyes and laughed silently by himself.
- Mats Pettersson
This was awesome. I have not used chavant clay that much and this was a fun challenge. Even though we were five participants which had the same theme, there were five different and brilliant ideas. Its was super fun to see everyones process and ideas in the making. Great way to get in touch with new people and friends. I hope this challenge will grow and perhaps become a yearly challenge. Super fun and super creative and a whole lot of fun!
Mats Pettersson
Prop maker
Instagram: @matspettersson87
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