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FX Artist Calum MacDonald - Nästa på Helsinglight AAiR

FX industry professional Calum MacDonald - Next at Helsinglight AAiR

FX industry professional Calum MacDonald will be the next creative artist trying out Helsinglight AAiR - Alternative Artist in Residence at House of Helsinglight, 21th February-13th March 2020.

Calum MacDonald is an FX industry professional based in Scotland where he runs Gibbet FX which provides FX Makeup, design and props to all areas of the local industry. He has over 20 years experience in FX and his true passion is building and sculpting. During the last four years he has also been running courses designed to get people more interested in FX and in all aspects of the creative imagination process. His passion is the core of running FX courses at Gibbet FX.

I just love seeing the students get inspired and gain the confidence to have a go themselves.

Calum MacDonald initially started the FX courses because of the lack of high quality FX courses in Scotland. He´s thoughts behind Gibbet FX were not only to reach people who want to make it in the film industry but also to reach those who have great talent but want to do it because it's fun.

" I am very happy to say that I get quite a lot of returning students and a number of them have gone on to work full-time in the industry on productions such as Outlaw King, The Avengers and Outlander to name a few. I find that particularly rewarding as they had little to no experience prior to coming to Gibbet FX. Makes me think I must be doing something right!"

Calum MacDonald saw a stay at Helsinglight AAiR as a fantastic chance to not only have an active exchange of talents in a working environment but also to forge larger bonds of cross-cultural and international co-operation between Scotland and Sweden. Therefore he reached out to Creative Scotland for fundings to come to AAiR at Helsinglight. We are delighted that they decided to select Calum to join our art in residence program at Helsinglight.



Would you like to try Helsinglight AAiR - Alternative Artist in Residence out?

We have got a few more spots available to be part of our test group for Helsinglight AAiR - Alternative Artist in Residence. Read more about our project for AAiR and apply to be part of our test group!
We’re on the lookout for alternative creative /cultural workers in the genres of:

  • Music
  • Cosplay (costume/prop making)
  • FX Art (FX Makeup, Masks, Animatronics etc)
  • Podcasters
  • Writers
  • Researchers
  • Illustration
  • Influencers
  • Videographer
  • Sculptors
  • Tattoo Artist

For questions - email


*Kulturbryggan (Kulturbryggan is an alternative financier which, by allocating grants to projects, will promote renewal and development in the cultural area throughout the country)

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Next article Emma Dzakula Karlsson - New Co-worker at Helsinglight

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