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Helsinglight's blog: Discover a creative and magical world

NärCon närmar sig - köp dina cosplay-linser från Helsinglight!
July 7, 2023 Petra Shara Stoor

Get your cosplay lenses from Helsinglight!

Transform your look with colored effect lenses! Create an awesome look with our wide range of colored lenses, crazy lenses, and scleral lenses. Find the perfect pair for your cosplay. Explore our selection of red, black, white, cat eye, bloodshot devil eye, scleral, crazy, and UV lenses. Effortlessly change your appearance and radiate a different vibe every day. Don't forget lens care with solution. Discover your perfect effect and cosplay lenses today!
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  • Nu lanserar House of Helsinglight sin Webbshop!
    October 5, 2020 Petra Shara Stoor

    House of Helsinglight is now launching its Webshop!

    We have seen an increased need to create at home and have worked hard to get our webshop up and running. Now it is finally ready to be launched! The webshop contains carefully selected products that we at House of Helsinglight work with ourselves when creating.
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  • Vinnaren i grupp 5 - Florian Schäfer - Landets Ande
    July 28, 2020 Petra Shara Stoor

    The winner in group 5 - Florian Schäfer - The Spirit of the land

    Helsinglight Creative Challenge has been such a great experience and creative adventure for so many people. For us at Helsinglight it has been so awesome to see all the creativity flowing and the amazing fantasy creatures created at home during these difficult times that we’re all facing.
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  • Creative Challenge - Slutresultat av Marc Willems, Tema: Ent, grupp 5
    July 17, 2020 Petra Shara Stoor

    Creative Challenge - Final result by Marc Willems, Theme: Ent, group 5

    Her name was Tanja, she was the most beautiful girl of the village .Each Sunday she went nude bathing in the lake . After a while, Eric the son of the mayer came swimming with her together. At the border of the lake lived the ugly witch Anne who was secretly in love with Eric, she saw the couple making love in the lake and got so mad she turned Tanja in a tree so Eric could never make love to her again, tja, sometimes shit happens.
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  • Creative Challenge - Slutresultat av Robin Tynan, Tema: Ent, grupp 5
    July 15, 2020 Petra Shara Stoor

    Creative Challenge - Final result by Robin Tynan, Theme: Ent, group 5

    Since staying at Helsinglight in 2019 I have loved their creativity and support for creators. The Creative Challenge has been a great opportunity to stretch my skills and try something new while getting to know other artists. Helsinglight have given us great support and energy to really make something fun and interesting. Pleased to be a supporter of Helsinglight!
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  • Creative Challenge - Slutresultat av Jonas Öhman, Tema: Ent, grupp 5
    July 13, 2020 Petra Shara Stoor

    Creative Challenge - Final result by Jonas Öhman, Theme: Ent, group 5

    So I joined The Creative Challenge. Best decision this Covid 19 period. I have followed Helsinglight for a long time. Finding their work and location very inspiring. I have not visited them yet. But this Challenge was a first taste and certainly created a longing for more. Very well arranged. Inspiring themes and good instructions. I would not hesitate to do this again. And can surely recommend it.
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  • Creative Challenge - Slutresultat av Florian Schäfer, Tema: Ent, grupp 5
    July 7, 2020 Petra Shara Stoor

    Creative Challenge - Final result by Florian Schäfer, Theme: Ent, group 5

    Since your first steps took your kind from the trees down to earth you walked on us. You took our brood, dug up our surface and even buried the deceased within us. Like leaves fell from the boughs blood flowed down from you and covered the soil for centuries. You took from us, you gave us. Filled us with memories, meaning… and might.
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